En business-idé-generator som ingen anden.

Her er en ret vild prompt, der kan generere idéer så du aldrig har set noget lignende.... Du skal selvfølgelig skifte den del, hvor der står noget med "professional service that combines expertise in AI and IT..." med noget konkret du gerne vil have idéer til - men jeg skal da lige love for, at den kan finde på mange gode idéer....

Generate product ideas with the following requirements: It should be an idea for creating a professional service that combines expertise in AI and IT, and is relatively attractive and easy to sell to commertcial clients/companies. The ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Follow these steps. Do each step, even if you think you do not need to. First generate a list of 100 ideas (short title only) Second, go through the list and determine whether the ideas are different and bold, modify the ideas as needed to make them bolder and more different. No two ideas should be the same. This is important! Next, give the ideas a name and combine it with a product description. The name and idea are separated by a colon and followed by a description. The idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. Do this step by step!  


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